My name is Joanna Radley but people usually call me Jo. I run a full-time clinic in Staverton, Northamptonshire, and also teach at the College of Healing in Malvern.

I have been a therapist since 1996 and have completed over 6
Many people have told me I offer a unique insight into their problems and my work is a true “calling” rather than just a job. Each therapy has its own unique way of resolving problems from muscle strains and injuries to mental/emotional issues and postoperative scars. I am happy to discuss how they may assist you.
My Training
- B.A.Hons in Traditional Acupuncture. (I was a Member of The British Acupuncture Council for twenty years and have completed over 3,500 hours of basic training plus many days of advanced study)
- Diploma in Structural Integration (The Guild for Structural Integration)
- Diploma in Neuro-linguistic Programming or NLP
- Healing (Reiki Master, Two Year Professional Diploma with the College of Healing in Malvern plus Advanced Modules and Marconics Healing Level 4)
- Strategic Intervention Coach with Robbins-Madanes Training.
- Low-Level Laser Therapy (with both Omega and Thor Lasers)
- I have also completed many years of advanced study and have a particular interest in relationships and trauma
I work in Staverton, Northamptonshire, and teach at The College of Healing in Malvern.
The clinic is close to Staverton Park and Golf Club and offers a quiet and comfortable space where you can escape from the stresses and strains of your life.
As well as the information provided on these pages I put interesting and up-to-date articles and information on my Facebook page “JoRadleysClinic”. Please click on the Facebook icon to take you there.
I have been involved with horses and dogs for most of my life and currently live with a Golden Retriever called Jack and I also breed thoroughbred horses.